G Dental Care
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How to properly treat gum disease from diagnosis to treatment

Root canal treatment usually takes around three hours. You’ll need to stay still while your dentist or endodontist drills out the infected tissue during this time.

Before treatment begins, you should ask yourself what kind of experience you want to have during your root canal treatment. Do you prefer a calm environment? Are you looking forward to talking to other patients?

If you’re nervous about the procedure, you might consider scheduling an appointment at a dental office where you feel comfortable. You may also want to bring along someone who supports you emotionally and helps you relax before treatment begins.

Review previous x-rays to determine if you need to adjust your treatment plan. If not, proceed with the next step. Anaesthetise, the area with a topical anaesthesia gel applied directly to the gums to numb the area around the affected tooth.

Apply a protective barrier called a “dental dam” to cover the tooth and surrounding area to prevent saliva contamination and maintain sterility.

Remove the damaged/decayed portion of the tooth, clean the area around the tooth with a special brush, and fill the cavity with composite resin or other filling material. If there is still infection, we may need to remove the infected tissue and disinfect the area. Afterwards, we will clean out the empty cavity and shape the tooth’s interior to allow for a filling. The tooth and surrounding areas will be thoroughly dried before proceeding to the next step.

Seal the area with a temporary restoration until the permanent restoration is ready. Once the permanent restoration is complete, remove the temporary restoration.

Clean the area with a unique cleaning solution, and then we will fill the empty space with a particular type of cement called gutta-percha. Gutta-percha acts like a rubber band, keeping the tooth together and preventing bacteria from entering the gap.

After the gutta-percha sets, your dentist or endo will carefully file down the remaining hard tissue inside the tooth. This step removes any sharp edges that could damage the surrounding tissues. Apply fluoride varnish to strengthen the teeth against future decay. Brush and floss the area to remove debris, and then rinse thoroughly with water.

We will then place a temporary filling material over the hole made by the drilling, remove the temporary filling, and replace it with a permanent filling. This final phase of root canal treatment prevents any further decay and protects the tooth from future injury.

Follow up with regular visits to monitor progress and ensure proper healing. You will need to pay close attention to the treated tooth. Avoid eating hard foods like ice cream, nuts, popcorn, and candy while recovering. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids to aid in the recovery process. Take care of yourself by getting enough rest and avoiding strenuous activity. Call your dentist if you experience discomfort, swelling, bleeding, or excessive sensitivity after the procedure. To learn more, make an appointment with us now.
